jueves, 26 de abril de 2018



Había una vez una semilla de TULIPÁN que vivía bajo la tierra, a la sombra de una casa. Estaba allí, sola y muy tranquila. En la oscuridad y el silencio.
Un día oyó un suave "tap-tap" en la ventana.
- ¿Quién es? Preguntó muy extrañada.
- Soy la LLUVIA, que quiere entrar- dijo una vocesita triste y dulce.
-¡No se puede entrar!-respondió la semilla.
A los dos días se oyó como un cuchicheo (chs-chs) cerca de la puerta, y la semilla preguntó:
- ¿Quién es?
- Soy el SOL que quiere entrar-dijo una voz muy clara y alegre.
-¡No, No, no se puede entrar!-respondió la semilla.
Pasaron los días y la semilla percibió un suave soplo en la chimenea (ssshhhh-ssshhhh) y preguntó:
-¿Quién está ahí?
-Soy el VIENTO, que quiere entrar.
-¡No, no, aún no se puede entrar!
Algunos días más tarde, oyó de nuevo el "tap-tap" en la ventana, el "chs-chs" por el ojo de la cerradura y el "ssshhhh-ssshhhh" por la chimenea, y preguntó:

-¿Quién es?
-¡Somos la LLUVIA, el SOL y el VIENTO, y queremos entrar! - Respondieron las tres voces a la vez.
-¡Bien, Bien! - dijo la semilla muy contenta- Ahora que habéis venido las tres juntas os dejaré entrar.
Abrió la puerta muy despacito y entraron en la casa.
La LLUVIA tomó la mano izquierda de la pequeña semilla, el SOL la mano derecha, y el VIENTO se colocó detrás y empezó a soplar y a soplar, y entre las tres, consiguieron que la pequeña semilla asomase la cabeza.
Cuando asomó la cabeza, brotó una precioso TULIPÁN, era de color ROSA.
Una vez en el jardín, se asombró de lo bonito que era. No había aún muchas flores, pero los pájaros la saludaban con sus alegres cantos y los rayos del sol se reflejaban en su hermosa cabecita rosa.
Al poco rato llegaron unos niños, y al verle, palmotearon con alegría y gritaron:
Y el pequeño TULIPÁN ROSA se sintió muy feliz.

                                                            (SARA CONE BRYANT)

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018


During the month of April, we celebrate different activities in the school in relation to consumer and vial education and the change of season. We promote children’s physical, psychological and social health, growth and development.
Our students are helped to be conscious of themselves in relation to other people and the environment providing them with positive experiences and opportunities to participate.
Children’s abilities to understand and take responsibility for their own health and safety are promoted in everyday situations.
Children are guided to move safely in and around their immediate environment.They are guided to take care of their health and daily personal hygiene.
The acquisition of healthy eating habits acquire a great importance not only in the school but also in the family through activities and behaviours. They are guided to get good personal relationships and to develop the emotional intelligence.Children’s growth and development is supported by the correct balance between work, rest and recreation.
Almost all parents agreed that healthy food habits need to be initiated early in life and our school pays particular attention in helping the children to acquire these healthy dietary behaviours.
Different activities celebrated in April, in relation with the development of vial and consumer education and the change of season.The arrival of the spring.
  • Solidarity race around our square and fund collection for the “Women foundation” against non violence and non discrimination by genre.(Activity
    • celebrated on 6th April in relation to the Intercultural education against all kind of discrimination )
    • Acquire healthy habits: wash your hands before eating.
    • Learn new concepts.Names of fruit,vegetables and dairy products: apples, bananas,oranges, carrots, milk, cheese, yogurt... by means of realia, images and songs.( i like food song year 1)
    • Identify the structure : do you like…?( broccoli /ice cream..) Yes i do/ no i don’t when we are speaking or listening a song.
    • Listening short dialogues from( English singsing page ) which structure is: do you like cheese?
    • Listening to the tale:”The very hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle.
    With this tale, we learn the days of the week, different foods and butterfly’s life stages. The caterpillar’s diet is fictional rather than scientifically, but the tale introduces concepts of lepidoptera life stages where transformations take place including the ultimate metamorphosis from hungry caterpillar to beautiful butterfly.
  • Decoration of doors and corridors of the pre primary education with the topic:” The arrival of spring” using different artistic materials: gum eve, cardboards, felt tips, different coloured sheets…
  • Use of non verbal language using gestures and movements to understand the structure:what’s the weather like? it’s sunny, it’s raining, it’s windy, it’s cold, it’s hot…
  • Games with English cardboards.
  • Collection of poems in relation to the spring.
  • Rhymes of four verses.
 It’s sunny,
it’s spring,
a lot of flowers,
in the tree.
Different activities that develop reading habits during the week from 24 to 27th April in relation to reading skills:The arrival of the spring.
  • Creation of situations where our students have to help themselves following the cooperation principle and group cohesion.
  • Family’s collaboration and participation where the grandparents tell a tale, a legend, their memories or experiences when they were in the school.
  • Explanation with the help of an image which are the parts of a plant and its functions.
  • Listening phonics songs
  • Aproximation to the literature with the story of the little prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
The narrator is a pilot who has craslanded in a desert and while trying to mend
his aircraft he is interrupted by a small boy who asks him to draw a sheep. And thus a series of conversations begins between himself and the Little Prince.He explains that he travels through the universe from asteroid to asteroid populated by one inhabitant.The prince has also cultivated a precious rose on his planet and discover that roses are so common on Earth. A fox convinces the prince that he is responsible for loving the rose and that this act of giving provides his life with meaning.Satisfied, the prince returns to his planet.
Saint-Exupéry believed firmly that children see the important things in life such as the bonds of friendship and responsibility more clearly than adults do because they see with their hearts not just with their eyes….